When it came time to prepare the olives for pickling I was really surprised at how much the girls enjoyed the process. I had thought they would have a quick go, lose interest and go back to playing a game or reading their books. Instead, they sat at the kitchen... Read more →
I was starting to feel hemmed in by my weekly routine. Every day except Sunday was accounted for with something that had to be done. Truth be told Sunday was accounted for too - clothes washing and house cleaning. No room left for spontaneity and adventure? Eek! I'd been mentally... Read more →
On a recent trip to the Darebin Parklands I arrived to find the creek running wild after several days of steady rain. It had well and truly burst its banks and turned from a sleepy little creek to a raging, rushing river. I was there with my girls and their... Read more →
I'm getting much better at really looking at the trees around me and noticing what they are. Not so long ago, it was all just a wall of green that was a background to wherever I was going. I can now confidently identify wattles (the sap is edible), she oaks... Read more →
I headed for the hills at the end of last month for the Dandenong Ranges Open Studio weekend. Artists across the ranges opened their studios and homes to the public. It was so exiting to meet the different artists and get a tiny peek into their world. Jewellers, bookbinders, sculptors,... Read more →
It's easy for me to forget where my food comes from. I live in an inner city flat and buy all my fresh fruit and veg at a local market. Intellectually I know that it all grows on trees or in the ground and is harvested by farmers. Practically I... Read more →
You may have heard of hygge, but have you heard of craftyr? Chances are, probably not as I've just made it up! For the last little while I've been fascinated with the idea of 'hygge'. It comes from Denmark - a country of great design, New Nordic Cuisine and long,... Read more →
It all started six years ago with a new house, trees and my curiosity. I’d just moved from inner city Sydney to suburban Melbourne. My new-to-me suburban house came with a big garage. At the back, under a large window was an old and beaten up workbench and vice. My... Read more →
There's been a craft explosion at my place. Beeswax candle dipping, leather pouch sewing, weed foraging, salve making, needle felting and whittling. And that's just the last couple of weeks! This time of year is the start of the making season for me. It's the time of year when the... Read more →
A couple of weeks ago I packed up my leather scraps and tools and took them to a friend's house for an afternoon of craft. She had expressed an interest in learning leather craft and I was more than happy to spend the afternoon in her gorgeous garden, crafting together.... Read more →