Running Wild
Olive Curing

Autumn Break

IP - Epoche 1
IP - Epoche 3

IP - Epoche 2

I was starting to feel hemmed in by my weekly routine. Every day except Sunday was accounted for with something that had to be done. Truth be told Sunday was accounted for too - clothes washing and house cleaning. No room left for spontaneity and adventure?  Eek!

I'd been mentally counting the days till the school holidays when all the activities go on hold and we have a chance to be spontaneous and have fun. It's sunny today, let's go for a walk on the beach. Oh look, it's raining, how about a trip to the museum?  Or my favourite, let's spend the day pottering around the house in our pjs doing whatever we want to at home. 

Well there's still over a month to go until school holidays start but I got my little fix of spontaneity yesterday when we threw the routine out the window. Instead of our weekly visit to the market for fruit and veg we drove to the Dandenongs to see friends on a gorgeous sunny autumn day. 

IP- Epoche 4

On the way we stopped at the most gorgeous shop ever, Epoche in Kallista. Four rooms filled with the most delightful handmade toys, clothes, jewellery, shoes, books, craft supplies and more. How gorgeous is the needle felted banner with all the leaves, flowers and birds? I love that kookaburra! My inner craft queen was in craft heaven. So much inspiration and goodness all around me. The perfect antidote to mundanity!
