Brining Camellias
Camp Fire Eco Dyeing

Bush Camp

IP - Camp 1

IP - Camp 2

IP - Camp 3

I was so blessed to go to the Wild By Nature Camp run by Firekeepers in the second week of the school holidays. For five days the girls and I camped in the bush, explored, sang and told stories around the camp fire.

It was a magical camp from the very beginning when we were welcomed at the gate to the end when we pulled down our tents. In between there were heartfelt conversations, barefoot walks on the earth, fire making, eco dyeing, string making, tanning, knife skills, spotlight walks and so much more.

IP - Camp 4

IP - Camp 5

IP - Camp 6

The beautiful mentors took the children off for bush adventures each morning. The mentors were incredible people with a passion for working with children. They loved being with the kids and would chat to them as if they were adults and they actually listened to the answers. The respect they had for all the children was wonderful and you could see the kids responding and coming out of their shell. It's so rare to meet people working with kids who have a genuine love of children. I felt so lucky to be on the camp, knowing that my girls were so beautifully looked after.

While the children were off having their adventure, we parents had our own adventures - exploring, making fire, tanning and making string. Having an adult program running concurrently with the children's program was wonderful. I didn't feel like I was missing out on any of the fun!

In the evening we all came together for the evening meal cooked by the wonderful kitchen team. Sharing food around the fire and stories was a lovely way to end our day.

IP - Camp 7

IP - Camp 8
The camp ended with everyone participating in a game of stealth and camouflage. Our goal was to steal our clan's stone from under the noses of the fierce trolls. It was so much fun getting muddy and messy to blend in with the bush. As the dingo clan fox walked through the bush to the sorcerer's castle, a wallaby jumped across our path. A magic moment.

There was so much palpable heart and love in the camp. The physical space was beautiful with the bush, the gunya, first aid tent and lovely signs. And the heart space was nurtured beautifully as well with songs, fires and stories. Every little detail was taken care of and every person was nurtured. Being there felt like coming home at long last to my tribe. Thanks Firekeepers!

