Big Magic
Natural Dyeing With Gum Leaves

Skeleton Leaves

IP - Skeleton Leaves 1

IP - Skeleton Leaves  2

IP - Skeleton Leaves  3

IP - Skeleton Leaves  4

Earlier this year I found lots of beautiful skeleton leaves under the gum trees at Darebin Parklands. The lacy leaves looked so beautiful with their delicates filigree and I wondered what made them lacy.

Did the leaves lose their 'flesh' at a certain time of the year because of the weather? In the same way as deciduous trees in the northern hemisphere? Or were the leaves the victim of some kind of disease? It was an enticing mystery that made me wonder why.

Well I found out the answer last month when I was on the Wild By Nature camp. Turns out none of my theories were right and it was these little critters eating the leaves.

I'm not sure how I feel about knowing the answer. I think I preferred the mystery and wonder of the unknown. Sometimes the question is more valuable than the answer.

