Strengthening Connections
Christmas Craft

Tamari Seeds

IP - Tamari 1

IP - Tamari 2

IP - Tamari 3

IP - Tamari 4

I've made tamari almonds but didn't think to make tamari seeds until I tasted Sharnn's tamari sunflower seeds last week. They were out of this world.

Tamari is a wheat free soy sauce that's lighter than the soy sauce you get at Chinese restaurants. It makes the seeds salty and tangy. A perfect gluten free summer nibble.

I like lots of tamari on my seeds, you may like less. Taste and see.

Tamari Seeds
3/4 cup sunflower seeds
3/4 cup pepitas
3-5 tbsp tamari

In a large frying pan dry roast the seeds on medium high Heath for 3 minutes or until you hear the seeds start to crack. Make sure you stir them so they don't burn.

Take the pan off the heat and add the tamari while stirring vigorously to coat all the seeds.

Return the pan to the heat and keep stirring so you dry out the seeds.

Turn off the gas and spread the seeds on a parchment lined baking tray to dry.

If you can manage not to scoff them all at once power to you. Store them in the pantry in a clean glass jar.

