When I was growing up, I read books to learn more about the world, the people around me and to see myself. I focussed on books with female protagonists by female authors. Mysteries were my thing and I started with girl detectives Trixie Belden and Nancy Drew and then moved... Read more →
I started the new year in the best way possible. Camping on a gorgeous bush block on the south coast of New South Wales with delightful friends and eco dyeing using plants straight from the bush. I managed to score a couple of old horse shoes at a local market.... Read more →
Not enough sleep, one too many Aperol spritzers and eating the wrong food has left me dehydrated and getting headaches again this summer, even though I was drinking heaps of water. The glare from the bright sun used to give me headaches which is why you'll now always find me... Read more →
No words. Just a few photos from my lovely holiday. Read more →
When you've got Google and all of human knowledge in your back pocket it's easy to think that mystery is gone. Relegated to extinction like so mamy other relics from our past. Luckily, mystery is still alive. Especially if you eco dye! The lovely Carmen taught me that pomegranate flower... Read more →
I tend follow the rules when it comes to eco dyeing. It's not because I'm particularly obedient although I mostly am. Rather it's because I hate the disappointment when things don't turn out how I expect. So I follow the rules looking for guaranteed results. Of course eco dyeing is... Read more →
When you're a maker there's a very real danger that you'll fall in love with the gifts you are making for your friends for Christmas. Instead of giving away what you've made, you find yourself putting it in your cupboard and not into your friends' hands! That's exactly what happened... Read more →