Plants Are People Too
Dyeing Raffia With Tea


IP - Spoons 1

IP - Spoons 2

IP - Spoons 3

IP - Spoons 4

These spoons got put away in the cupboard a long time ago when I decided to have a break from spoon carving. I had no idea the little break I was intending would stretch out to eighteen months! In hindsight I think I was being too tough on myself. Drooling over all the amazing carved spoons on Instagram and feeling inadequate. My spoons weren't living up to my high standards or the picture perfection on Insty.

When I took them out after a long break I was pleasantly surprise by my efforts and very much looking forward to finishing them and using them at long last. Going to camp again and wanting to use a homemade spoon was my motivation.

After a quick file and sand, I polished them with a few coats of flax seed oil, letting them dry in between coats.

It feels so good to complete projects that have been lurking around the house. It clears space and energy for new ideas and crafts to flourish. I feel lighter and happier knowing there is one less project waiting in the to be finished pile.

