Conducting My Own Poetry Masterclass
2019 Poetry Challenge

Through The Looking Glass


IP - Alice 1

IP - Alice 2

IP - Alice 3

IP - Alice 4

IP - Alice 5

Every year I take my girls into the city to see the Christmas windows. I remember my mum taking me to the city to see them when I was small. I'm not sure if she took me every year but it's a golden jewel shining bright in my memory. I love the idea of my girls being the second generation of our family to celebrate this tradition. It gives me goosebumps!

This year we went nice and early to get it out of the way before our big move out to the hills. For the first time we could go straight to the front and walk right in to see the windows - there was no queue or waiting for up to an hour! I think this year's Alice In Wonderland windows are my favourite of recent years. They were so wonderful I'm hoping we can manage to go back before Christmas.

Afterwards we went to Haigh's where the girls pored over the truffle display before choosing their chocolates. It's always such a terribly difficult and vitally important decision. Which flavour shall I choose this time? Something new or something I know I like? Hard call!

We ended our day with a visit to Dymocks to check out the latest books. It's wonderful now they can both read - I actually get to browse the books!

What are your special Christmas traditions?

