2019 Poetry Challenge - Week Ten
Week 10 words from @louisa.bear: rose, glasses, story, leaf, violet.
a quirky flash of personality
rose from the depths
and rippled the calm surface
of her mother countenance
was that a twinkle in her eye
or the gleam of last night's
glasses, dishes and cutlery
piled in the sink
while she tidied the house
and read a story
her youngest daughter
came into the room
clutching a leaf
and when she opened
her grubby hand
a violet
Here are the words and my poem for the tenth week of the 2019 Poetry Challenge.
I've spent the last week doing not much of anything, including writing poetry. I'm beginning to wonder if I've bitten off more than I can chew with this crazy idea of posting a poem a week. It seemed like such a good idea at the beginning of the year but now? I just wanna hang out in my garden, soaking up the sunshine and enjoying my family.
However, I said I was gonna write a poem a week so here it is. The tenth poem. Make of it what you will.
If you want to join the 2019 Poetry Challenge, head on over to my Instagram account where I post the words for the week on Mondays (mostly) in my story. Be sure to tag me and use the hashtags #2019poetrychallenge and #livepoetsclub.
If you don't want to write a poem, you can still be part of the 2019 Poetry Challenge. Send me five random words and I'll use them in a poem. Either DM me on Instagram with the words or send me an email (indrani at indraniperera dot com).
Happy writing!