Poetry Challenge - Week Twenty-Five
Week 25 words from @kritsinolds: help, enrich, confidence, battle and intuition.
seek help and enrich your soul
a battle with your intuition
only results in a loss
of confidence
Here are the words and my poem for the twenty-fifth week of the 2019 Poetry Challenge.
This week's poem surprised me by being very short and not at all what I expected to write. Sometimes I sit down with an idea on my head but for some reason it just won't translate into words. Creativity is a funny beast.
If you want to join the 2019 Poetry Challenge, head on over to my Instagram account (@indraniperera) where I post the words for the week on Mondays (mostly) in my story. Write a poem and post it. Be sure to tag me and use the hashtags #2019poetrychallenge and #livepoetsclub.
If you don't want to write a poem, you can still be part of the 2019 Poetry Challenge. Send me five random words and I'll use them in a poem. Either DM me on Instagram with the words or send me an email (indrani at indraniperera dot com).
Happy writing!