The closing night for the Melbourne Spoken Word & Poetry Festival at Howler in Brunswick on Sunday night was incredible. Six featured poets, four hours of spoken word and more inspiration than you could poke a stick at. Jon Englezos had me wiping away surreptitious tears with his beautiful poem... Read more →
Here are the words and my poem for the twenty-ninth week of the 2019 Poetry Challenge. I'm writing a poem a week using prompts sent to me on Instagram. Read more →
Sunday morning saw me packing all my books into bags and heading back in to town for the Melbourne Spoken Word & Poetry Festival Book Fair at Siteworks in Brunswick. It was super fun to be spending a day hanging out with other poets and checking out all the cool... Read more →
I was terrified of the microphone. Absolutely petrified. Completely intimidated. When I went to open mic nights and had to stand behind the microphone, I was a frozen bunny in the spotlight. I had no idea how to adjust it for my height or how to speak into it so... Read more →
Here are the words and my poem for the twenty-eighth week of the 2019 Poetry Challenge. I'm writing a poem a week using prompts sent to me on Instagram. Read more →
I've spent the last six weeks alternating between a state of anxiety and excitement. I guess you could call it nervous anticipation. The cause? My first ever feature as a spoken word artist at the Fresh Voices event as part of the Melbourne Spoken Word & Poetry Festival. When Benjamin... Read more →
I've just had the most amazing weekend filled with spoken word goodness. It's all thanks to Benjamin Solah and the incredible team at Melbourne Spoken Word. They're worked their butts off to put together an incredible two and half weeks of events and workshops in and around Melbourne for 2019's... Read more →
Here are the words and my poem for the twenty-seventh week of the 2019 Poetry Challenge. I'm writing a poem a week using prompts sent to me on Instagram. Read more →
I have been so busy lately there has been no time to sit and be. This is not, in my mind, a good thing. The busyness has started to become a little frantic and addictive. It's been much easier to fill my time with doing than face the emotions lurking... Read more →
Here are the words and my poem for the twenty-sixth week of the 2019 Poetry Challenge. I'm writing a poem a week using prompts sent to me on Instagram. Read more →