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July 2019
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September 2019

Earlier this year I entered the Ros Spencer Poetry contest with my poem, Recipe for a Poem. It didn't win any awards but it was selected to be published in the anthology for the competition featuring poems from 2016-2019. It's been a long time since I've had any poetry published... Read more →

I'm submitting a poem to an anthology with my publisher, Ginninderra Press. I have no idea if this poem will fit the theme of the anthology or catch the selector's eye. In short, I don't know if it's going to meet someone else's standards, fit with their vision or be... Read more →

I'm having a moment of existential crisis and self doubt. I'm despairing of ever writing a poem that will get published in a literary magazine. The poems in literary journals are incredible. When I read the ones that have been accepted I feel so ordinary. It's my secret fear. Being... Read more →