Poetry Challenge - Week Fifty-Two
Hello Sky

2019 Poetry Challenge Wrap Up

1 - poetry challenge 3 - 5 random words4 - 52 poems 5 - 52 weeks 2 hashtagHooray! I made it!

I can't believe it's the end of the 2019 Poetry Challenge. There were many times when I wanted to chuck the whole thing. There were times when I thought it would never end. And then towards the end I wanted to slow down time and really get into writing each and every poem. It turns out I didn't want it to end after all! Oh how contrary we humans can be. Not wanting something while it's happening and then desperately wanting it back once it's over.

I am so pleased I stuck with it and so grateful to the 52 people who sent me 260 words between them which I then turned into 52 poems of varying quality. It was great to work with words I normally don't even think about or take for granted or had to look up.

Thank you beautiful friends and folks on Instagram for sending me your words and sharing this project with me. What a ride!

