Sing Along

All Bound Together

IP - All Bound Together 1

IP - All Bound Together 2

It's poetry month and time again for the Dirty Thirty Poetry Challenge on Facebook. Which means I need a journal in which to record all the poems I write during the challenge. Last year I made a leather journal which I love so this year I'm making another one. I can see journal making being an annual event. I love the idea of a having a collection of journals lined up on the shelf.

The leather is cow hide from a place down in Tassie I visited latest year when I was staying with some friends. I've used some cheapish watercolour paper for the pages as I like to write with felt tipped pens and occasionally draw pictures. Ink drawn on thinner paper ends up showing through to the other side.

There's something reassuring and familiar about using the same materials year in and year out. I don't alway like predictability, in fact I am a huge fan of variety, but in this case it feels like coming home. Sitting in my study in the morning before anyone gets up, reading the prompt for the day and then scribbling down my thoughts. It's linking my past self to my current self and I like the two Indrani's being in the same room together. Who knows, maybe future Indrani is in there with them as well. Only time will tell.