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Two Player Games

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Family games nights are great but sometimes there's just two of you and what do you do then?

I feel like a lot of the bigger games are designed for more players and optimally for four people which seems to be a standard family unit these days. So what do you do when it's just you and your partner and you have no kids? Or how about if there's just you and one child?

Luckily there are some games (that play better in my opinion) with just two players like the deluxe versions of Citadels. And then there are the hugely successful games like Seven Wonders (which my youngest daughter loved so much that she bought it herself with her own pocket money!) which bring out a two player version. In this case, Seven Wonder Duel.

And then there are games that are specifically designed for two players. Like Jaipur and Hive. I'm know there are more games out there but these are the two that we own.

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In Jaipur you are competing to become the Maharaja's personal trader by collecting and selling goods.

I bought this game because it was beautifully illustrated with gorgeous components which as you already know, I'm a sucker for. And I was so excited when I opened the box because the game tray is gorgeous and fits the elements perfectly. So many games these days give you little plastic baggie to store your pieces which I find really off-putting. I know that designing a game tray isn't easy so I really appreciate it when a designer gets it right.

I love Jaipur because it is fun to play. I feel that because you get to have some little wins along the way, it doesn't feel so bad if you loose the game at the end. Which is important to little peeps who may not like losing. And let's face, who does? This game is definitely in the cosy game corner.

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Hive is a twist on the two player strategy of Chess but it's more accessible for younger players and more appealing with the insects on the tiles. Chess can drag on and adults can crush kids making out not a lot of fun. We own the portable version which comes with little bag so we can take it wherever we go.

I feel like more and more designers are realising that there's a demand for two player games and are rising to the challenge of making games that are interesting, complex and beautiful. Titles that may be worth checking out include: Inhuman Conditions, Summoner Wars, Targi, The Fox in the Forest, Yinsh, I haven't played these games (yet!) but they look cool! For more ideas check out this great article.