Shortlisted for the University of Canberra Vice Chancellor's International Poetry Prize
On Cephalopods


IP - Chess 1

IP - Chess 2

IP - Chess 3

IP - Chess 4

I think I must be going through a theatre phase.  This is the third production have seen in the last month and I can't remember how many I've seen this year. It's a lot!

We lived around the corner of the National Theatre in St Kilda for almost six years and never managed to step inside this gorgeous old grande dame. She's a bit run down but I think it that only adds to her charm. The foyer and sweeping staircase are fabulously over the top and ornate. I felt as if I should be wearing diamonds and a sweeping ball gown as I posed for a photo with my gloved hand resting lightly on the bannister.

I saw my first production of Chess in Sydney when I was in my teens. At the time I loved it so much I bought the jumper! Last time I visited my folks in Canberra, Mum was wearing it around the house. So it was well worth the I'm sure exorbitant amount we paid for it back in the day. There wasn't a lot of merch on sale at this production by CLOC and I even resisted the urge to buy a program because a) I never read them and b) we are about to move to a smaller house and I need to get rid of stuff, not buy more of it!

IP - Chess 5

I have to admit I wasn't expecting much from an amateur theatre production group but I am more than happy to say that the production was excellent. I know that's a bit snobby of me but it's been a while since I've seen amateur theatre and I had forgotten just how darn good it is. The set was fabulous with huge moving parts that slid across the polished floor. Both the floor and this blocks would light up at different times. Two huge screens flanked the stage and a third was located at the back. Live footage from the production was streamed straight on the screens.  and filmed b 

The costumes were fabulous