I sometimes think that little kids have all the fun. After all they have dress up days at school, get to do craft or art most days and it's okay if what they draw is just a scribble. There aren't many places where you can go as a grown up and play dress-ups. So thank goodness for all those ardent gamers and fan peeps who love to make costumes and dress up as their favourite characters. They bring back the fun and the crazy and the play. Stuff we all need!
These are just a couple of the great outfits I saw at PAX Australia last weekend. Most of the time I couldn't take a photo of the fabulous outfits I saw because I was too busy playing a game! But it was great to look up from what I was doing and see someone strolling past, all decked out in a an amazing costume and makeup. Some of the characters I saw included Shrek, the Grinch, some Pac-Men, a ghostbuster and a whole bunch of space cadets and forest rangers. And the gal in that enormous fur suit above. Man, it must have been hot in that get up!
Of course my favourite costumes were the medieval-styled outfits. They reminded me of the good old days when I used to don a long frock and pretend I lived in the middle ages. Or those times I got dressed up in armour and hit other people over the head with a big stick. Good fun!