Each year I dread winter and what is coming. It's the time of year when I struggle to create and to remain positive. August is my worst month. I always think it will be the winter solstice in June with the longest night when the blues hit. But June with... Read more →
Basket Weaving
I thought I'd pop on the other side of the camera for a change and say "Hi! How are you doing?" I really hope you are well as we dive into the darkest, coldest part of the year. It's time for me to slow down and reflect on my journey... Read more →
After the excitement of successfully dyeing raffia with tea and getting a lovely colour, I raided the pantry and threw caution to the wind. Instead of testing out the sumac I found lurking with the spices on a small piece of raffia like I did for the tea, I threw... Read more →
The basket weaving mania continues! Now I'm combining my love of natural dyeing with basket weaving by dyeing the raffia I'm using with things I can find in my kitchen cupboard. I read about using tea bags as a natural dye in Rebecca Desnos' book, Botanical Colour at Your Fingertips.... Read more →
I have no patterns for my latest craft. There are no stitches to count. No special tools or complicated instructions. Just some raffia and a needle. What's not to love? And yet for all the simplicity I can make the baskets as complicated and unique as I like. I'm completely... Read more →
You just never know when a new craft obsession is going to come striding in and sweep you off your feet. The beginning of this craft was inauspicious to say the least and gave no indication of the mania currently gripping me. I must weave! Basket weaving arrived unannounced in... Read more →
{Basket woven by my ten year old daughter, Airlie, at The Village Continuum festival. Photo styling: Airlie} We're wired to create. It's in our DNA. I just know it. It's why there are cities and spoons, buildings and blankets, stained glass window and shoes. We just can't help ourselves, we... Read more →