As much as I love playing to win and the cut-throat tactics of sabotage and bluffing, there are also times when I just want to curl up in the corner with a cup of tea and a gentle game. This list contains some of the games I reach for when... Read more →

After teaching my eco-dyeing workshop in Niddrie on Sunday, I headed to the Beit e'Shai Teahouse and Pop-Up Gallery in Preston for an evening of tea, tunes and poetry. Shiralee Hood was our wonderful MC. Farhad Bandesh sang songs in Kurdish to Yusuke's improvised guitar. All while Nadine served us... Read more →

Craft has taken a back seat this year while I have worked on other poetry-related projects (like my Cards for Poets which you can buy in my shop) so it was fabulous to be asked to teach an eco-dyeing workshop. In the way that these things work, I had been... Read more →

One of the best things about going to PAX Australia last month was meeting so many Australian games designers. I love supporting local creatives through buying and playing their games but they're not that easy to find. The last time I went into one of the major Australian games shops... Read more →

While I was painting a miniature at PAX Australia here in Melbourne the other weekend, I started talking to the guy sitting across from me who was there with his support dog. (I'm not sure if that's the official term but I'm running with it). We got to chatting about... Read more →

PAX Australia, how do I adore thee? Let me count the ways! You might have noticed by the flurry of posts about PAX Australia that I am smitten with this incredible games convention. They literally have something for everyone including painting miniatures which you could have a crack at doing... Read more →

I sometimes think that little kids have all the fun. After all they have dress up days at school, get to do craft or art most days and it's okay if what they draw is just a scribble. There aren't many places where you can go as a grown up... Read more →

PAX Australia was epic. There was so much to see and I barely scratched the surface. I did however, spend three whole days meeting fabulous people and playing board games non stop. Seriously good stuff people! I think my favourite part of PAX was Collabatory which I discovered by accident.... Read more →