I have just had the most incredible day of pampering, nurturing, indulgence and relaxing. Last weekend I headed north out of town for a retreat at the stunning Lil Acres in Woodend. It's only a 1.5 hour drive from my place but it feels like a whole other world. There... Read more →
Natural Health & Beauty
My first attempt at making and using homemade toothpaste lasted a couple of months and then I got lazy erm, busy. Yep, that's right, busy. I can't make my old toothpaste anymore cos I've run out of the charcoal salt. I've been eyeing off a toothpaste at my heath food... Read more →
The colder weather has me focused inwards on self care and making things to look after myself. As I get older I'm getting aches and pains in my hands and feet. I suspect they are the beginning of arthritis. Curcumin capsules* are doing the trick for my hands but my... Read more →
On a recent and rare visit to get my hair cut, the hairdresser asked if I used any products. I think from the state of my hair when I walked in, he already knew the answer but was being polite. My hair is thick and these days has a lot... Read more →
I've been posting lots of yummy sweet recipes recently. It's definitely that time of year! This week, we're still in the kitchen but I thought after all those sweet treats, we ought to do something about cleaning our teeth. So we're going to make our own toothpaste. Again, it's super... Read more →
I know that I've been posting a lot lately about last year's Christmas craft. (This is the last one, I promise!). I can't help it because there's soooo much making goodness that happens around Christmas time. I didn't post this last year because some of the readers of the blog... Read more →