It's been a strange kind of year. I haven't really felt like I've found my groove yet. And it's November already! Things haven't been helped by all the boxes still loitering in the laundry and hallway from our move late last year. And of course learning that we have to... Read more →
Prizes & Published Work
I’m so excited by my copy of Anthropocene. It’s a chapbook published by the Queensland Writers Centre that contains four of my poems. Only two copies were made - this one and one other that was sold to raise funds for the Queensland Writers Centre. You know I love limited... Read more →
Late last year I had not one, but two poems, long listed for the University of Canberra Vice-Chancellor's International Poetry Prize! It was a huge honour to have my work recognised by the judges. Landline is a poem about old friends who you've know forever but hardly find the time... Read more →
My poem, pathika, has been shortlisted for the Heroine's Anthology Prize which means it will now appear in the forthcoming Heroine's Anthology of poems from around the world. I am so excited to be included in this global edition of poetry about amazing women from throughout Herstory, I can't wait... Read more →
Herstory is a topic very dear to my heart. I am always looking for females voices, especially those that have been hidden or erased from the offical versions of accounts. I want to know about the stories of women who shaped past events. I want to hear about their ingenuity... Read more →
Melbourne Poets Union have been around for what feels like forever and they do amazing work to promote poetry and support poets in Melbourne and its surrounds. Last night I attended the launch of their brand new anthology, Finding My Feet. It features poems from some of Australia's most well... Read more →
I am pleased to announce that the digital journal, Science Write Now, has published two of my poems in Issue 9: Migration. Light Years is a poem about the migration of light from our distant sun to our home planet. In writing this poem I was imagining what it might... Read more →
I am now officially one step closer to winning a poetry prize! I had two poems longlisted for the University of Canberra Vice Chancellor's International Poetry Prize and Landline has just been shortlisted! Can you believe the company I'm keeping these days? Talking about rubbing shoulders with giants! Read more →
I had just decided to stopped entering poetry competitions. It's expensive and demoralising. I figured that my poetry (still) wasn't good enough to be at prize winning standard and I should stop throwing good money away after bad and instead spend it on something better like, oh I don't know,... Read more →
WA poets Inc do so much to promote and support poetry both in Western Australia and Australia through their poetry competitions, the Ros Spencer Poetry Prize and Poetry d'Amour, and their accompanying anthologies. Back in 2019, I entered the Ros Spencer Poetry Prize and they publish my entry, Recipe for... Read more →