I recently dusted off my eco-dyeing pots after a long winter break. I was starting to wonder if my eco-dye phase had come to an end. It turns out I was still into eco-dyeing, the desire had just been hibernating during the cold months. I stopped dyeing over winter because... Read more →
Seasons & Cycles
I love this time of year. The weather is getting warmer, there's lots of fun things to do and Christmas gifts to make. All the cafes and restaurants that were empty over winter are overflowing till late in the evening as everyone takes advantage of the long, balmy nights. There's... Read more →
I'm deep in the middle of a natural dyeing craze. It's an obsession that has swept in and taken me over. Combining foraging in nature with dyeing wool in a rainbow of colours brings me so much joy. My latest dyeing adventure saw me gathering wattle blossoms which are so... Read more →
It's hard to believe it's already the winter solstice again. It seems far too soon to be celebrating the longest night and shortest day. Especially with the gorgeous sunny weather we have been having recently. For me the solstice marks the beginning of winter and the dive headlong into the... Read more →
Earlier in the year I was really terrified of pre mordanting my cotton. But now I'm in a more experimenting, reckless kind of mood. I'm not as attached to the outcome and I'm very excited by the idea of playing with the process to see what happens next. It's hard... Read more →
I'm getting much better at really looking at the trees around me and noticing what they are. Not so long ago, it was all just a wall of green that was a background to wherever I was going. I can now confidently identify wattles (the sap is edible), she oaks... Read more →
It's easy for me to forget where my food comes from. I live in an inner city flat and buy all my fresh fruit and veg at a local market. Intellectually I know that it all grows on trees or in the ground and is harvested by farmers. Practically I... Read more →
There's been a craft explosion at my place. Beeswax candle dipping, leather pouch sewing, weed foraging, salve making, needle felting and whittling. And that's just the last couple of weeks! This time of year is the start of the making season for me. It's the time of year when the... Read more →
I’m spending more and more time in nature. Connecting to the natural materials I use in my projects in the most beautiful way - lying under a tree, gazing up at the sun streaming through the leaves. My passion for spending time in nature all started a few years ago... Read more →
I’m getting back into my winter rhythm. At the start of each season, there’s a time when I’m not really sure what I am doing. I have to check which fruit and veggies are now ripe and ready to eat. Think about what recipes to cook. Figure out how my... Read more →